Powering Strong Communities

What do public power workers earn?

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According to responses in our 2020 Public Power Salary Survey

18 of 27 management positions have median salaries of $100,000 or more
18 of 27 management positions have median salaries of $100,000 or more
Median hourly wages for public power workers
The median hourly wage for 24 non-management positions ranged from $21.31 (customer service representative) to $45.98 (plant shift supervisor)



Public power employees working at utilities with higher revenue and that serve more customers make more, on average, than workers at smaller utilities.

CFO median pay Line supervisor median pay


Although the public power workforce has a variety of good paying jobs, public power employees still make less, on average, than their counterparts in utilities with different ownership models. 

Median top executive compensation public power vs coop


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