Powering Strong Communities


Public power utilities have a long-standing commitment to both workplace and public safety, with the goal of zero injuries in their communities.

eSafety Tracker

In June 2024, APPA released a new version of the eSafety Tracker, developed with input from public power safety professionals. This new tool helps public power utilities manage safety programs, training, inspections, and incident reporting in a single platform. It also includes online and offline access to the APPA Safety Manual and other key content through a mobile app.

A handful of APPA members piloted the new tracker in early 2024. Based on their feedback, the system was further enhanced and refined to focus on the needs of public power utilities. The article "Consistent Tracking Improves Safety" (Public Power Magazine, March 2024) details how the pilot utilities planned to use the eSafety Tracker to organize their safety and training programs. 

For additional information on the new system, please visit our eSafety Tracker information page.

Safety Manual

The American Public Power Association’s Safety Manual is the premier source for safety compliance information for electric utility safe work practices. Updated in 2023 by APPA’s Safety Manual Revision Task Force, the 17th edition features more than 200 changes, including the latest Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) updates and new sections on topics such as communications and switching.  

Safety Manual Interpretation Requests and Change Proposals

The SMRT Force welcomes questions to ensure the correct implementation of safety standards. If you have any questions about the Safety Manual, you may submit an interpretation request. Address only one topic per request. Should you have questions on multiple topics, submit a separate request for each topic. Please allow up to four weeks for your request to be processed. If a change proposal references documents that are not readily available to the SMRT Force, the submitter shall upload materials referenced to supply the SMRT Force.

Submit a change for the 18th Edition Safety Manual (to be published in 2028). All proposed changes will be considered by the SMRT Force.

Safety Awards of Excellence

Applications for APPA's 2024 Safety Awards will open in January 2025.

APPA's annual Safety Awards of Excellence offer Diamond- and Gold-level designations based on a numeric scoring system. Please review the Safety Awards of Excellence Guidebook for additional details and information before applying. 

145 public power utilities were awarded for their incident rates and safety programs in 2023. 

Every year, APPA releases a safety benchmarking report with tabular and graphical evaluations of the data submitted to the Safety Awards of Excellence. View a copy of the 2022 Safety Awards of Excellence Annual Report. (The 2023 report will be made available soon.)

NESC 2028 Revision Cycle

The National Electrical Safety Code sets rules and guidelines for the installation, operation, and maintenance of electric supply, communication lines, and associated equipment to safeguard workers and the public. The NESC gets revised on a five-year cycle based on a formal process of gathering feedback from across the industry. The Public Power Standards Representatives Taskforce (formerly the Industrial Standards Committee) is the opportunity for public power systems to ensure these requirements adhere to public power safety standards and are economically feasible. The PPSRT reviews existing standards, proposes changes, and establishes positions on code change proposals consistent with the interests of APPA member systems.

Learn more about the PPSRT and how to participate in the NESC revision process. 

More Safety Resources

Have a safety question to ask of other utilities? Join the safety community group to ask questions, get answers, and share best practices and resources. Email Membership@PublicPower.org to request to join.