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Powering Strong Communities

Public Power Utility Member Welcome Center

Welcome to APPA! If your utility is an APPA member, you are an APPA member and can access a wealth of resources to help make your job easier.

Member Benefits

Leverage grid security assistance

Access cyber and physical security programs and tools.

Communicate with your customers

Use our turnkey graphics, videos, and resources highlighting the value of community-ownership.

Recover quickly following an emergency

Take part in the public power mutual aid network to give and get help restoring systems following major events and to access tools and resources.

Access industry leading safety resources

Safety is job one, and APPA provides resources to assist your utility with training employees and tracking safety performance.

Understand, assess, and mitigate risks to your operations

Plan for and mitigate ever-increasing risks, including wildfires, regulatory changes, and cyber attacks with tools APPA has developed for you.

Need Help?
Contact Membership@PublicPower.org, and we’ll be in touch quickly to assist.