Powering Strong Communities

Cost of Service Workshop: Implementation and Applications

Part of the Spring Education Institute. Explore the ins and outs of cost of service — from key concepts to the nuts and bolts of working through a cost of service model.
May 7 - 8, 2025
Orlando, Florida
8:30am - 5:00pm Eastern

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Wednesday, May 7 – Thursday, May 8
8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. each day

Course Overview

Explore the ins and outs of cost of service—from key concepts to the nuts and bolts of working through a cost of service model. Get hands-on experience working with an actual Excel model to apply cost of service and rate design principles and processes to electric, water, sewer, gas, and other municipal services. Complete the step-by-step process of putting a cost of service study together and review how to develop a fully functional and unbundled cost of service study. As you explore what it takes to do a thorough cost analysis, gain lessons learned from real-world examples.

Course Topics

  • Basic cost of service and pricing concepts, terminology, and processes
  • Collecting and using cost of service data and organizing costs
  • Allocating municipal facilities and expenses
  • Classifying generation, transmission, and distribution expenses
  • Categorizing generation types and primary cost components
  • Collecting and applying load research data
  • Developing and applying cost allocation factors
  • Gauging customer voltage levels
  • Apply cost allocation factors in a cost of service model
  • Determining monthly customer facilities and billing costs
  • Identifying bundled and unbundled primary cost components
  • Applying cost of service components to rate designs
  • Understanding the limitations of a traditional cost-of-service model

Sample Agenda/Learning Outcomes

View a sample agenda and learning outcomes from the 2024 version of this course [PDF].

What to Bring

Participants are required to bring a laptop with Excel and PowerPoint to work through in-class exercises.

Course Level

Intermediate: No prerequisites; no advance preparation.

Technology Requirements: none

Delivery Method/Learning Environment

This course is a group-live offering and includes lecture style teaching, case studies, whole class and small group discussion and sharing, live polling, as well as Q&A sessions.


The following continuing education credits will be provided, after successfully completing the course (view “accreditation” drop down below to review requirements). Certificates will be available by June 6.

  • Recommended CEUs 1.3/PDHs 13/CPEs 15.6
    Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge

Recommended for

Rate analysts and utility staff who are responsible for implementing cost of service studies or want to learn how the process is completed and applied.

Often taken in conjunction with APPA’s Basic Cost of Service & Key Financial Concepts (May 5), and Strategic Rate Design: Trends and Distributed Generation Impacts (May 6).


PEPhil Euler, P.E., is an independent consultant specializing in financial planning, cost-of-service studies and rate design for publicly owned utilities. Phil’s industry experience includes 13 years as the manager of engineering services for NMPP Energy in Lincoln Nebraska and 30 years with the Lincoln Electric System where, as Chief Engineer, he specialized in financial planning, pricing, rate design, load research, forecasting and cost-of-service studies.

danDan Kasbohm is a rates manager for Utility Financial Solutions and has completed over 40 financial modeling and electric cost of service studies. Dan has over 10 years of experience in developing time of use rates, advanced electric rate design models, analyzing load research data, developing line extension policies and power cost adjustments.





Through April 4

After April 4

Individual Course



COS/Rates Bundle** (save $300!)



*Nonmember pricing is double the member rate.
*The COS/Rates Bundle includes registration fees for all three classes in the track: Basic Cost of Service, Strategic Rate Design, and Cost of Service Workshop.

See registration tab for more details and information on group discounts.   


Registration: [email protected]

Program/Content: [email protected]

Hotel: [email protected]

Billing: [email protected]


Register now!

Registration Assistance: Review registration FAQs or contact [email protected]


Registration received by April 4

Registration received after April 4

  Members Others Members Others


Accounting Bundle: three courses (save $300) $2,785 $5,870 $3,085 $6,170
  • Public Utility Accounting, May 5-6
$1,195 $2,390 $1,295  $2,490
  • Electric Work Order & Fixed Asset Accounting, May 7
$695 $1,390 $795 $1,490
  • Advanced Public Utility Accounting, May 8-9
$1,195 $2,390 $1,295 $2,490

Cost of Service & Rate Design

COS/Rates Bundle: three courses (save $300) $2,285 $4,870 $2,585 $5,170
  • Basic Cost of Service & Key Financial Concepts, May 5
$695 $1,390 $795 $1,490
  • Strategic Rate Design: Trends and Distributed Generation Impacts, May 6
$695 $1,390 $795 $1,490
  • Cost of Service Workshop: Implementation and Applications, May 7-8
$1,195 $2,390 $1,295 $2,490

Underground Distribution

Underground Bundle: two courses (save $200)

$2,590 $5,180 $2,790 $5,380
  • Overhead Distribution Systems Principles & Applications (virtual), September 4, 5, 10, 11, 12
$1,795 $3,500 $1,895 $3,600
  • Best Practices in Overhead Distribution Line Design, September 30 - October 3
$995 $1,900 $1,095 $2,000
Leadership Training/Certificate Program*
  • Leadership Essentials Certificate Program, May 5-8
$2,900 $5,800 $3,000 $5,900
*The certificate registration fee includes everything you need to participate in and graduate from the program: registration for the in-person courses, program enrollment fee, materials, post-course project review, and graduation plaque.

Group Registration Discounts

Save money on each registration when your organization registers five or more people for the same class. The larger your group, the more you save! Registrations must be submitted on the same order (at the same time) to qualify for the group discount; discounts cannot be retroactively applied to previous orders. If you need assistance, contact [email protected]

Number of registrants Class Discount
(per person)
1-4 n/a
5-9 $50
10-14 $100
15-24 $150
25+ $200


Registrants who cancel in writing on or before April 28, 2025, are entitled to a refund of their registration fee, minus a $100 cancellation fee. Registrants who cancel after April 28 will not receive a refund, but attendee substitutions will be allowed. Registrants and no-shows who do not cancel by April 28 are responsible for the full registration fee and are not entitled to a refund. If APPA cancels a course, you will receive a full refund. 

Travel Arrangements/Hotel Parking

Travel arrangements and costs associated with hotel parking are the responsibility of the participants. APPA will not reimburse for changes in travel expenditures regardless of the cause.


A light breakfast, afternoon snack, and beverage breaks are included in the registration fee. All other meals are on your own.

Internet Access

WiFi may only be available in hotel common areas (sleeping rooms and hotel lobby), though may not be available in APPA meeting rooms. Please make arrangements to use cellular data on your device or bring a MiFi or Internet hotspot for personal use. APPA will not provide a password for WiFi.

Name Badges

Name badges can be picked up at the APPA registration desk at the hotel starting at 7:30 a.m.

Code of Conduct

Participants agree to abide by the APPA Code of Conduct. If participants engage in unacceptable behavior as outlined in the code, APPA may take any action it deems appropriate, including but not limited to, expulsion from the current and future meetings, with no warning or refund.

Contact Us



Hotel Information

The 2025 Spring Education Institute will take place at the:

Hyatt Regency Orlando  
9801 International Drive
Orlando, FL 32819


  • Phone: (407) 284-1234
  • Group Rate: $239 (Single/Double) per night (plus State and Local Taxes)
  • Room Rate Cut-off Date: April 14
  • Online Reservation Link
  • Group Code: G-APPA


  • Check-in: 4 p.m.; Check-out: 11 p.m.
  • Valet Parking: Valet Parking $50/overnight; Self-Parking $35/overnight

Please note: It is possible that the block of rooms could sell out prior to April 14, so make your hotel reservations early.

Reservations & Cancellations

Please contact the hotel directly to reserve and manage your reservation. If you need assistance making reservations, contact [email protected].

Internet Access

WiFi may only be available in hotel common areas (sleeping rooms and hotel lobby) and will not be available in meet¬ing rooms. Please make arrangements to use cellular data on your device or bring a MiFi or Internet hotspot for personal use. APPA will not provide a password for WiFi.


All courses will be held in the Hyatt Regency Orlando. The hotel is located about 13 miles from the Orlando International Airport (MCO). Please contact the hotel for transportation options.

Travel Arrangements/Hotel Parking

Travel arrangements and costs associated with hotel parking are the responsibility of the participants. APPA will not reimburse for changes in travel expenditures regardless of the cause.


Earn While You Learn!

Participate in APPA programs to earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs), Professional Development Hours (PDHs) and Continuing Professional Education credits (CPEs). 

What educational credits are available?

You can earn the following kinds of continuing education credits for attending live virtual and in-person sessions—provided the following requirements are met:

Requirements for Successful Completion: In-Person

  • Attendees must sign in each day, attend (and participate) in the entire course and complete an evaluation form at the end of class
  • Partial credit cannot be given for partial attendance
  • Attendance is monitored by an APPA staff member and the instructor
  • Completion certificates will be added within 4 weeks to member profiles on the APPA website (for those who meet the requirements)

 IACET logoContinuing Education Units (CEUs): The American Public Power Association is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and is authorized to issue the IACET CEU. For information regarding certification status, attendance requirements and obtaining attendee transcripts, contact [email protected] or 202-467-2965. Verify our IACET Accreditation.

CPE logoContinuing Professional Education (CPE) Credits: The American Public Power Association is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.NASBAregistry.com. Unless noted, there are no prerequisites for the courses offered and no advance preparation is required. Courses are group-internet based offerings at the basic program level (unless otherwise noted). Credit hours and areas of study for the courses are listed on the individual course pages. For more information regarding administrative policies, such as clarification of requirements, complaints, and refunds, please contact [email protected].

Professional Development Hours (PDHs): The American Public Power Association’s educational practices are consistent with the criteria for awarding Professional Development Hours (PDHs) as established by the National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES). Course eligibility and number of PDHs may vary by state.



Additional Information

What to Bring

If you are enrolled in one of the following courses, please note the items to bring with you. If your course is not listed, you do not have to bring anything.

  • Advanced Public Utility Accounting
    • Encouraged to bring: A copy of your annual financial statement. Instructors will answer your questions on presentation and application of accounting policies and practices.
  • Cost of Service Workshop
    • Required to bring: A laptop with Excel and PowerPoint, to work through in-class exercises.
  • Best Practices in Overhead Distribution Line Design:
    • Required to bring: A scientific calculator or smart phone calculator app
    • Required to bring: A print copy (or have access to a digital copy) of the 2023 National Electrical Safety Code (NESC) to reference during class
    • Encouraged to bring: Interesting underground distribution photos as well as their underground distribution design guides and standards to share

Class Start/End Times


May 5

May 6

May 7
May 8
May 9


Public Utility Accounting

8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.      
Electric Work Order & Fixed Asset Accounting     8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.    
Advanced Public Utility Accounting       8:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. 8 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

Cost of Service & Rate Design

Basic Cost of Service & Key Financial Concepts 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.        
Strategic Rate Design: Trends and Distributed Generation Impacts   8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.      
Cost of Service Workshop: Implementation and Applications     8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.  

Underground Distribution

Underground Distribution Systems

8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.    
Advanced Underground Distribution Systems       8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Leadership Certificate
Leadership Essentials Certificate Program 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.


Registration/Name Badges

Name badges can be picked up at the APPA registration desk at the hotel starting at 7:30 a.m.


Breakfast, beverage breaks, and a light afternoon snack are included in the registration fee. All other meals are on your own.

Dress Code

The attire for the Institute ranges from business casual to casual—whatever you're comfortable in. Meeting room temperatures vary, so prepare to dress for cool conditions.

Travel Arrangements/Hotel Parking

Travel arrangements and costs associated with hotel parking are the responsibility of the participants. APPA will not reimburse for changes in travel expenditures regardless of the cause.

Where and when are the next Education Institutes?

Spring Institute
May 4 – 8, 2026
San Antonio, Texas

Contact Us
