Powering Strong Communities
Distributed Energy Resources

Seven States Power Receives $439 Million USDA Investment for Renewable Energy Projects

Seven States Power Corporation on Jan. 10 announced that it will receive $439,000,000 in federal funding through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s New ERA (Empowering Rural America) program.

The funding is earmarked for new energy initiatives, “and this award will provide low-cost affordable power to nearly 10 million people,” it said.

Seven States is an energy solutions cooperative that is owned and operated by the 153 local power companies across the seven-state region of the Tennessee Valley (TN, KY, MS, AL, VA, NC, GA).

Their member-owners distribute Tennessee Valley Authority-generated electricity “and provide a variety of essential services that build the economy and enhance life in their communities,” it noted.

Funding for projects through this initiative will focus on utility-scale renewable energy resources such as solar generation and energy storage technologies.

These investments are part of an ongoing industry-wide effort to modernize the grid with advanced energy technologies to meet increasing demand for power, it said.

“A primary advantage to our region is the public power model and the partnership between the power distributors and their power provider, TVA,” Seven States Power said.

One such project would add more than 250-MW of renewable energy through the construction of a utility-scale solar plant in the Tennessee Valley. The plant will be owned and operated by Seven States.

Jeff Dykes, Chairman of the Board of Seven States and President & CEO of BrightRidge, said, “Procuring these resources is a big step in the right direction for advancing Seven States’ mission to leverage innovative technology to design, develop & deploy energy solutions for the Tennessee Valley. An award of this size and magnitude is significant for our region and we are thankful for the opportunity it presents.”

Betsey Kirk McCall, President & CEO of Seven States, said, “The New ERA program is an incredible opportunity for Seven States, our power distributor members, and TVA to work together in bringing low-cost renewable power to the Tennessee Valley. The 250MWs of additional power will support the growing needs of the region to meet consumer demand for technology and energy.”

“Seven States is committed to working closely with local communities, energy providers, and policymakers to ensure a reliable energy future. The projects supported by the New ERA grant are expected to create new jobs, stimulate economic growth, and reduce carbon emissions,” it said.

The new solar generation is expected to take up to three to five years to finalize the design, develop and deploy all aspects of the projects.

“Once active, it is anticipated that this project will facilitate a higher degree of reliability and resiliency to the existing energy grid and assist in meeting increased demand as the Tennessee Valley region continues to experience growth in population and economic development.”

Seven States is one of three organizations spotlighted by the USDA for their proposed project.