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Pasadena Water and Power to Hold Meeting Tied to Carbon-Free Energy Optimized Strategic Plan

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California public power utility Pasadena Water and Power on Sept. 26 will hold a virtual meeting to discuss a roadmap that will define the key actions and future decision points to help best position PWP to achieve Pasadena, California’s goal to source all electricity from carbon-free sources by the end of 2030 while maintaining reliability and limiting cost impacts to customers.

The Optimized Strategic Plan will consider how new generation resources, infrastructure investments and customer programs can facilitate the transition to Pasadena’s carbon-free goal. It is being developed in collaboration with Energy and Environmental Economics, Inc.

The Sept. 26 meeting will be the first public meeting for the Optimized Strategic Plan.

PWP provides electricity to more than 65,000 customers within Pasadena. PWP delivers water to nearly 38,000 households and businesses in Pasadena and adjacent communities in the San Gabriel Valley.

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