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NRC Releases New Advanced Reactor Proposed Rule

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission recently published the Part 53 proposed rule, which is an alternative licensing option for advanced reactors.

The proposed rule, “Risk-Informed, Technology-Inclusive Regulatory Framework for Advanced Reactors,” was published in the Federal Register.

The proposed rule may be viewed here. Public comments on the proposal are due on December 8, 2024.

Part 53 is as an alternative licensing option for advanced reactors, differing from the Part 52 licensing processes for existing reactor types.

According to the NRC, the new alternative requirements and implementing guidance “adopt technology-inclusive approaches and use risk-informed and performance-based techniques to ensure an equivalent level of safety to that of operating commercial nuclear plants while providing flexibility for licensing and regulating a variety of technologies and designs for commercial nuclear reactors.”

This is an alternative to existing Part 52 requirements, which the NRC notes, were primarily developed to address license requests and operational requirements for more conventional water-cooled reactors.

The NRC will hold a public meeting on the proposed rule to describe it in more detail and answer questions from the public.

The Commission will publish details, including the location, time, and agenda, at least 10 calendar days before the meeting on its website.

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