Students at an elementary school in Chicopee, Mass., recently received a generous donation through the annual Bob Pajak clothing drive.
The event honors a former Chicopee Electric Light employee and commissioner who cared a great deal about helping children in need.
Chicopee Electric Light donated dozens of clothing items to Belcher Elementary School, which serves students in Pre-k to the second grade.
The annual donation is done in honor of a longtime lineman and commissioner of Chicopee Electric Light Bob Pajak.
“Bob Pajak's unwavering commitment to giving back to the Chicopee community and ensuring that children's basic needs are met continues to inspire us and is at the heart of this clothing drive,” said Dan Faille, General Manager at Chicopee Electric Light.
“By addressing these essential needs, we’re helping create an environment where kids can focus on learning and thriving. Bob began his journey with Chicopee Electric Light as a lineman, dedicating his career to serving our community, and later continued that service as a commissioner,” he said.
“Today, we carry on this tradition in his memory, honoring his lifelong dedication to helping others. As a public power utility, Chicopee Electric Light is proud to honor Bob’s legacy and remains committed to giving back to the Chicopee community—it’s not just what we do, it’s who we are,” Faille said.

"The greatest strength of Public Power is that it empowers communities by keeping energy decisions local, ensuring affordable rates, reliable service, and reinvestment into the community through projects and the people that we serve,” said Nick Lawler, P.E., General Manager, Littleton Electric Light and Water Departments in Massachusetts. “It’s about the people, and what better way to invest our resources than into the children that we serve."
Along with his role at Littleton Electric Light and Water Departments, Lawler also serves as Chair of APPA’s Board of Directors.