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DEED Program Appoints Rodney Bourne to Board of Directors

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The American Public Power Association’s DemonstrBourne Headshotation of Energy & Efficiency Program on February 3, 2023, appointed Rodney Bourne, General Manager at Rolla Municipal Utilities (Missouri), to fill a vacant seat on the program’s board of directors. Bourne will serve as the director representing Region 3, comprising Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota, until fall 2024. As one of ten regional DEED program directors, Bourne will act as a resource to help utilities refine grant applications prior to the advisory board’s review, in addition to contributing to funding and policy decisions for the program.

Region 10 Director Seat Opening

The DEED program is also currently seeking to fill a director position to oversee Region 10 (at-large seat). The director will represent DEED members in and outside the United States. The nomination deadline for this seat is March 6, 2023, and the form can be accessed here.

For any questions regarding the DEED program or board of directors nominations, please email [email protected].