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Deadline to Register for APPA Lineworkers Rodeo is Rapidly Approaching

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The deadline for the American Public Power Association’s 2024 Lineworkers Rodeo is Friday, March 8. This year’s rodeo will be held in Lafayette, La., and is being hosted by Lafayette Utilities System.

There are a wide range of reasons to attend the rodeo including being able to:

  • Compete with the best in public power while learning and practicing safe work practices.
  • Interact with vendors and discover new products and services at the sponsor showcase.
  • Participate in hands on training to expand your knowledge and expertise.
  • Connect with peers from other public power utilities to share best practices.

Click here to hear the benefits of attending the APPA Lineworkers Rodeo detailed by Lafayette Utilities System Director Jeffrey Stewart.

LUS has implemented live feeds on its website showcasing the ongoing progress at the rodeo grounds.