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BPA Releases Draft Provider of Choice Policy Tied to Expiration of Power Sales Contracts

The Bonneville Power Administration has released a draft Provider of Choice Policy that describes BPA’s proposed products and service offerings for the period following the expiration of existing long-term power sales contracts on Sept. 30, 2028, and BPA’s proposal for distribution of the costs and benefits from its system of federal resources. 

The public comment period will be open until Oct. 13. Comments received will be considered in the final policy and administrator’s record of decision, BPA said on July 20.

BPA expects to release the final policy and record of decision in early calendar year 2024, once all public comments have been reviewed.

Following finalization of the policy, BPA will hold a follow-on process to implement the policy through negotiation and development of contracts with the goal to offer and execute new contracts by late calendar year 2025. 

BPA will hold a public meeting to present the draft policy on July 26 and a public meeting to answer clarifying questions on Aug. 1.

Provider of Choice is one of the major processes under BPA’s Post-2028 Initiative. Other efforts under this umbrella are the Residential Exchange Program, development of the subsequent rate design (2029 Public Rate Design Methodology) and energy efficiency, BPA said.

More information on Provider of Choice can be found on the Provider of Choice webpage.

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