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APPA Members Encouraged to Participate in DOE Webinar on Transformers

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The Department of Energy on Sept. 29 will host a webinar related to a survey that the agency plans to release related to the nation’s current supply of distribution transformers.

DOE is trying to get a better sense of the utility sector’s current supply of distribution transformers that can be put into service if replacement transformers are required to restore their networks after extreme weather events, wildfires, or other emergency situations. 

The webinar will take place on Sept. 29 at 2:00 pm (ET).

 The survey will be administered under the Protected Critical Infrastructure Information Program under the Critical Infrastructure Information Act of 2002. 

The Act protects information voluntarily shared with the government about the security of private and state/local government critical infrastructure.

For additional information about how to register for the webinar or related questions, contact Michael Coe, Vice President, Physical and Cyber Security Programs, at APPA at: [email protected].

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