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Ann Arbor, Mich., City Council Advances Public Power Feasibility Study

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The Ann Arbor, Mich., City Council on Sept. 6 voted 10-1 to contract with 5 Lakes Energy and NewGen Strategies and Solutions to conduct an energy options analysis and public power feasibility study.

The study approved by the city council will explore pathways to Ann Arbor’s goal of powering the grid with 100% renewable electricity by 2030.

This analysis is broken into three tasks. Task one will analyze various potential pathways for the city to reach its goal of 100% renewable energy. The second will conduct a phase I study into establishing a full municipal utility to provide 100% renewable electricity to all of Ann Arbor. The third will be a rate analysis of a sustainable energy utility, which would create a partial electric utility allowing residents to subscribe to programs intended to reduce their need for electricity from investor-owned utility DTE Energy, said Ann Arbor for Public Power, a nonprofit grassroots citizen group.

The city’s A2Zero climate action plan calls for a transition to 100% renewable power by 2030.

Ann Arbor for Public Power said it will continue promoting community discussion around municipalization and advocating for a transparent feasibility study process with opportunities for public engagement.