Powering Strong Communities

Public Power in Wyoming

Denotes APPA Members


Town of Basin
Basin, WY

City of Cody
Cody, WY

City of Deaver
Deaver, WY

Town of Fort Laramie
Fort Laramie, WY

City of Gillette
Gillette, WY

Town of Guernsey
Guernsey, WY

Town of Lingle
Lingle, WY

Town of Lusk
Lusk, WY

Midvale Irrigation District
Pavillion, WY

City of Pine Bluffs
Pine Bluffs, WY

City of Powell
Powell, WY

City of Torrington
Torrington, WY

Town of Wheatland
Wheatland, WY

Joint Action Agencies

Wyoming Municipal Power Agency
Lusk, WY

State and Regional Associations

Wyoming Rural Electric Association
Cheyenne, WY