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California CCA Silicon Valley Clean Energy Seeks Carbon Free Energy, Energy Storage Proposals

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Silicon Valley Clean Energy, a California community choice aggregator, has issued a 2024 Request for Offers for carbon free energy and standalone energy storage.

SVCE is seeking resources with initial delivery dates between 2025-2033, for a minimum term of ten years and a maximum term of twenty years.

SVCE is accepting proposals for projects in CAISO queue clusters up to and including Cluster 15. Additional details are available in the RFO document.

Depending on the project types solicited and shortlisted, product(s) may include energy from generation, energy discharged from storage, Green Attributes, storage capacity, Capacity Attributes (either Energy Only or Full Capacity Deliverability Status, as elected in the PPA), and Ancillary Services.

The RFO response deadline is September 18, 2024 at 5 PM PPT.