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Powering Strong Communities
Electricity Markets

Electricity Markets Filings and Resources

Electricity Markets Filings and Reports

APPA proposes that the mandatory capacity market constructs be reformed to serve as voluntary, residual capacity procurement mechanisms., and released a white paper on the need for such reforms.

The American Public Power Association and American Municipal Power, Inc. requested an appeals court review of Federal Energy Regulatory Commission orders that upheld prior Commission decisions that significantly expanded the application of the minimum offer price rule (MOPR) in PJM Interconnection’s capacity construct. A 2020 APPA report on retail electric prices shows that between 1997 and 2019, price increases in states with deregulated electric markets and regulated states were about the same.

The American Public Power Association and a diverse group of energy industry stakeholders on March 5, 2019 sent a letter to FERC detailing principles to maximize the benefits of organized wholesale electricity markets.

APPA filed comments urging FERC to reject the U.S. Department of Energy’s proposed rule requiring organized electricity markets to adopt tariff changes that would ensure full cost recovery for certain “fuel-secure” resources. We indicated that RTO-operated markets are not designed to achieve fuel diversity.

PJM’s Reliability Pricing Model was designed to be a residual, as-needed market intervention. But over time, market factors have led generators to seek more revenue from RPM, as shown in Missing Money Revisited.

In a May 2016 open letter to the GAO, the Brattle Group responded to Senate questions on electricity capacity markets. Many of the responses are misleading or unsupported.