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Western Area Power Administration Seeks Proposals for 65 MW of Firm Capacity and Energy

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The Western Area Power Administration is seeking proposals on behalf of the Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration for 65 megawatts of firm capacity and energy through a request for proposals issued on April 14.

The proposed contract must begin on January 1, 2024, and go through December 31, 2024, or December 31, 2025. WAPA is seeking the proposals through the Colorado River Storage Project Management Center.

The NNSA oversees the power procurement for its facilities within the Sandia National Laboratory facilities, both co-located at Department of Defense Kirtland Air Force Base near the southern boundary of the City of Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Both facilities are served through the Public Service Company of New Mexico transmission system and Balancing Authority.

Proposals in response to the RFP are due May 12.