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Vermont Public Power Supply Authority Providing Operational Services for Barton Electric

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The Vermont Public Power Supply Authority (VPPSA) announced on Sept. 30 that the organization is providing interim operational services for Vermont’s Barton Electric Department.

VPPSA, a nonprofit energy company that provides services and solutions to Vermont public power utilities, submitted a proposal in response to the village’s request for utility service assistance issued in July.

Under the arrangement, VPPSA is providing Barton Electric with a dedicated line crew and the necessary tools and equipment to perform regular utility operations during business hours.

VPPSA is also partnering with nearby member utilities to provide coverage around the clock and emergency outage restoration.

VPPSA continues to manage the electric utility office staff under an existing arrangement effective since 2021.

The request for proposals was issued after Barton Village voters elected not to sell their municipal electric utility in May 2022. In June, village trustees brought on Patty Richards, former Washington Electric Cooperative General Manager, and Chris Recchia, Principal of Energy and Environment Services to assist with utility management.

VPPSA’s utility operation services went into effect on August 12 and are expected to continue for two years while the Barton Village trustees evaluate alternative utility operations.