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Online Tool Allows Users To Estimate Economic Impact Of EV Charging Stations

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Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory recently launched an online tool that allows users to quickly estimate the economic impacts associated with the development, construction, and operation of electric vehicle charging stations, also called electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE).

The impacts range from job creation to ripple-effect economic activity, such as local spending.

The tool, referred to as JOBS EVSE 1.0, permits users to estimate economic impacts for individual states, regions, or the United States as a whole.

The tool contains default input values, but users can override default data with their own data for more project-specific results.

Although it focuses on charging stations and the infrastructure immediately upstream from them, it also considers the entire energy supply chain in calculating impacts.

Impacts also include recurring expenditures for electricity, network and data fees, revenues, operating and maintenance and administration, as well as potential revenues and access fees.

JOBS EVSE 1.0 was developed with funding from DOE’s Vehicle Technologies Office.

To view a webinar about the tool, go to https://​cleanci​ties​.ener​gy​.gov/​w​e​b​i​n​a​r​s​/​#​28469.