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Lansing Board of Water & Light Restores Power After Train Incident, High Winds

Michigan public power utility Lansing Board of Water & Light (BWL) recently completed power restoration efforts after an incident with a train and high winds knocked out electric service to customers of BWL.

On the morning of Dec. 11, a train crossing a road near Michigan State University’s campus entangled with a wire, causing approximately 30 BWL power poles to break and causing more than 4,000 customers to lose power.

Photo courtesy of BWL


Photo courtesy of BWL

For a video that includes footage of the train incident, restoration efforts and additional details on BWL’s response, click here.

At the same time, BWL was responding to other outages in its service territory following high winds.

Photo courtesy of BWL

The utility called in mutual aid crews to help restore power to customers quickly. Crews from the following public power utilities and communities helped BWL:

  • City of Sturgis, Mich.
  • Board of Light and Power Grand Haven, Mich.
  • City of Niles, Mich.
  • Lowell Light and Power, Mich.
Photo courtesy of BWL

BWL also received assistance from Asplundh, a utility contractor.