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FERC Order Clears Path for Implementation of Western Reliability Program  

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The Western Power Pool on Feb. 10 announced that the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has approved the tariff for the Western Resource Adequacy Program, clearing the way for full implementation of the region’s first West-wide reliability program.  

In its ruling, FERC underscored the importance and potential benefits of a regional program and the enhanced reliability and resource adequacy that WRAP would bring. “Through increased coordination, we find that the WRAP has the potential to enhance resource adequacy planning, provide for the benchmarking of resource adequacy standards, and more effectively encourage the use of western regional resource diversity compared to the status quo,” the order noted. 

The WPP board of directors will meet this week to review the order and to officially clear the final hurdle for WRAP operations under the tariff. In short order, the WPP will make the governance changes required by the tariff, which includes seating a new independent board of directors identified in 2022.  

 In December and January, WPP received formal commitments from 20 utilities to move forward with the WRAP. Representatives from several of those utilities also applauded FERC’s ruling. 

 WRAP participants engaged in the first non-binding forward showing program as part of program implementation in 2022, and the first non-binding operational phase of the program will kick off this summer as scheduled. 

Utilities from the northwest, parts of the desert southwest, Canada and northern California are expected to be part of the WRAP’s overall footprint. 

A number of public power entities are participating, including Bonneville Power Administration, Chelan County PUD, Clatskanie PUD, Douglas County PUD,  Eugene Water and Electric Board, Grant County PUD, Salt  River Project, Seattle City Light, Snohomish County PUD, Tacoma Power, and Turlock Irrigation District.