A group of California community choice aggregators (CCAs) recently voted to enter into an energy storage service agreement with REV Renewables for 69 megawatts/552 megawatt hours of long-duration energy storage.
The REV Renewables Tumbleweed project will be a California Independent System Operator grid-connected, lithium-ion battery storage resource located near Rosamond, in Kern County, California, with an expected online date of 2026.
The CCAs are members of California Community Power, a joint powers agency.
The participating CCAs are: CleanPowerSF, Peninsula Clean Energy, Redwood Coast Energy Authority, San Jose Clean Energy, Silicon Valley Clean Energy, Sonoma Clean Power Authority and Valley Clean Energy. Participating members will follow their own review and approval processes with their local, elected boards.
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) Mid-Term Reliability Procurement order requires all CPUC-jurisdictional load serving entities, including CCAs, to procure from energy storage facilities capable of discharging for a minimum of 8 hours.
The Tumbleweed project satisfies approximately 55% of the long-duration storage compliance requirements of the participating members.
The joint procurement effort by the CCAs for long-duration energy storage began before the CPUC issued the new procurement order when a subset of the CCAs issued a Request for Offers (RFO) in October 2020 seeking to procure cost effective and viable long-duration storage resources.
Participation in the RFO and resulting projects is voluntary for each joint powers agency member.
The American Public Power Association has initiated a new category of membership for community choice aggregation programs.