Powering Strong Communities

Income-Qualified Energy Efficiency Pilot Program: How Efficiency Investments Create Energy Savings

by The Omaha Public Power District
October 11, 2022


Join us to hear how the Omaha Public Power District, with the help of a DEED grant, demonstrated how increasing investment in energy efficiency upgrades leads to significant energy savings. This initiative from the Omaha Public Power District in Nebraska showed how higher investments in energy-efficiency upgrades led to significant increases in energy savings. DEED members can participate for free.


This event will be held on the Zoom Webinar platform on Tuesday, Oct. 11, from 2:00-3:00 pm Eastern.


Britton J. Gabel, Manager of Advocacy Solutions, Omaha Public Power District


Paul Zummo, American Public Power Association


Registration is free and only open to DEED members. Register online or contact [email protected] with questions.