Powering Strong Communities

Education Institutes

Education Institutes

The Academy offers Education Institutes at locations around the country in the spring and fall each year. Institutes typically feature required courses for all Academy certificate programs  — energy efficiency management, customer service management, key accounts, and public power management. Institutes also feature deep dive courses on current topics in accounting and finance, rate design, distributed energy resources, customer service, technical training, and leadership. Check out the agenda and register for the Institute of your choice — you can attend the full program or just a few courses.

The Institute format provides an excellent opportunity to network with industry peers and to earn continuing education credits.

2024 Fall Education Institute
Sept. 30 - Oct. 4 in Seattle, WA

Virtual Institute Courses 

APPA also offers a number of our in-depth courses in a virtual format. Visit our Virtual Education & Training page to see the schedule.


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